Prehistoric Elegance: Dinosaur Bone Jewelry for Timeless Charm
Dinosaur Bone: Meaning and History There are numerous legends associated with the name given to the dinosaur bone stone. The term dino, which means enormous and dreadful in Greek, is the source of the name. This mineral possesses the strength found in bone. It is one of the organic "stones" that, like amber or opal, are full of life energy and are made up of magic and wisdom. The dinosaur bone gemstone is made up of petrified dinosaur bones that have been ingested by minerals over a long period of time. This stone can range in color from red to brown and even grey. Small circles in the stone's pattern create a stunning design that is frequently mistaken for the pattern of dinosaur skin. Minerals like calcite agate, and other substances are what give the color variation its existence. The Dinosaur Bone Jewelry has been worn for thousand years by our ancestors. It has been the Jewelry Trend for Numerous years. It's common to see this stone coupled with Sterling Silver J...